EANGUS speaks with your US Representatives in the House and Senate on a daily basis. Our agenda focuses on you – members of the Army and Air National Guard.
However, we can’t do it all alone. We need you to contact your respective Congressmen and Senators to voice your opinions and concerns on issues that affect your National Guard careers and benefits.
This legislative section of our website offers you an insight into topics that we are currently pursuing, and it alerts you to actions you can take to help us while we help you in these efforts.
During the fall, Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) and House Armed Services Committee (HASC) staffers negotiated S. 2410, the SASC-passed NDAA and H.R. 4435, the House of Representatives-passed NDAA. While both sides are close to an agreement, this week, HASC Chairman Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA) announced that Members and staff are still working out details and Congressional sources close to the negotiation say that current disagreements are about increasing some TRICARE pharmacy co-pays and reducing the basic housing allowance for military personnel. Considering Chairman McKeon and SASC Chairman, Senator Carl Levin retire at the end of the year, it is highly likely that all disagreement are resolved, the NDAA passes both Houses, and is signed by the President by year’s end. Good news! Sources are telling EANGUS to expect two provisions favorable to EANGUS: The FY15 NDAA will call for a commission on the future of the Army with a suspense date of March 2016. Part of the commission’s responsibilities will be to weigh-in on the Apache transfer debate currently taking place between the Guard and Army. Secondly, sources are telling EANGUS that the FY15 NDAA will prohibit the transfer of Apaches in FY15.
Calls to Action
2014 Legislative Process