The Senate and the House have both passed their respective versions of the Fiscal 2021 NDAA, both by veto-proof majorities. The two will now go to conference to work out the differences. Included in the bills are:
- 3% pay raise for all
- One service record (DD 214) for everyone, all components
- Removing the 1/30th rule for hazard pay for reservists
- Hazard pay for NG T32 COVID responders
- Waiver of pharmacy copays during COVID
- 6 months of TAMP coverage for NG T32 COVID responders
- Retirement credit for cancelled drills
- Opening up SkillBridge for all NG and reserveNone of this is law yet. It still has to be conferenced. We will keep you apprised of the progress of these bills–more than likely in September after Congressional recess has ended.