The CAL-EANGUS Board is accepting nominations for the following positions:
Duties: The Treasurer is a member of the Executive Council and shall:
1. Be the custodian of all funds of CALEANGUS
2. Perform the duties usually performed by the treasurer of an organization and such duties as may be prescribed in the Constitution and Bylaws or assigned by the President
3. Cause to be kept an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements of all monies, securities and other properties of CAL EANGUS
4. Report to the Committee on Finance and Budget, and to the Executive Council on the
financial standing of CAL EANGUS, whenever required to do so; and if requested by the President, render an annual report to the membership
-Member at Large (Life)
-Member at Large (Annual)
Duties: 1. A limit of two annual members and two life members, who are not committee chairmen, shall sit on the Executive Council as voting members
2. Serve on the Committee on Audits
3. Are charged with preserving and maintaining the properties, real and personal, of
Vice-President (for the remainder of the term – Dec 20)
Duties: The Vice-President is a member of the Executive Council and shall:
1. Perform the duties usually performed by the Vice-President of an organization and such duties as may be prescribed by the Constitution and Bylaws or assigned by the President
2. Perform the duties of the President during the absence of, or incapacitation of that officer
3. Assume the office, title and prerequisites of the President in the event of termination, resignation, or removal from office of that officer and serve the un-expired term or until a successor is qualified.
Members in good standing can nominate any member in good standing or members can self nominate.
To nominate/self nominate, please email the president at
Nominations will close on 12 October 2019 @ 1500 during the State Conference.