During the first week of February, EANGUS representatives from each state association met in Washington, D.C. for the Legislative Workshop. During this time, the National Office explained the three main legislative programs they are working toward with the representatives of the 116th class of Congress for 2020. The three initiatives are: Duty Status Reform, TRICARE Reserve Select availability for early retirees and Reserve Component DD214 upon separation or discharge from a Reserve Component similar to exit from the Active Duty. Members of EANGUS and each State Association “Stormed the Hill” to educate their elected representatives and their staff and support any bills toward the initiatives.
Local members are encouraged to contact their local elected officials and share the white paper documents below to garner support and to educate their local officials.
dd214whitepaper_2020 tricarewhitepaper_2020 DutyStatusWhitePaper
Members can locate their local elected officials on the homepage of caleangus.org.