What Area and State will take home the cash prizes?
- $1,000 will be awarded to the ONE State with the highest percentage of increase in their State membership during the competition period, provided they achieve at least a 20% increase. Each EANGUS Area will also award $500 to the State in their Area with the highest percentage of gain. So…..the State with the highest overall percentage of increase in members will receive $500 from their Area and another $1,000 from EANGUS!
- $2,000 will be awarded to the ONE Area with the highest percentage of increase in their Area’s membership during the competition period, provided they achieve at least a 20% increase.
Membership is the foundation of our organization and we must continue to share the many benefits of EANGUS! Our competition is designed to energize each State and Territory to gain as many New Members as possible and Retain our current members. Some State Associations and Areas have done very well with our Membership Drive, but we can all do better.
Have you recruited someone lately? If not, you have an opportunity to strengthen your State’s membership numbers by participating in our EANGUS Membership Challenge before it ends on July 31st! Just like someone recruited you to join, it is up to you to recruit someone else and pass the Value Torch which represents all National Guard men and women in the United States.
Take a moment today, call a non-member and encourage them to JOIN.
Have you sponsored a junior Soldier or Airman? Consider sponsoring someone’s first year of membership in the association as a display of mentorship – professional Soldiers and Airmen belong to professional associations! There is much work to be done and we need your help today.
Where will your State be represented in our National Membership Challenge? There’s just one week to go — Recruit a new member… Renew your membership! Improve your State Association’s membership, and let’s all celebrate the collective gains in strength and representation on Capitol Hill.