CAL-EANGUS Needs your help!
Due to a quorum not being met during October’s meeting, nominations and elections will occur during the November meeting (18 Nov).
In accordance with the CAL-EANGUS By laws, several board positions are up for election. Those positions are: two member at-large (life & annual), the Treasurer (vacant) and the President position are up for election. The roles and duties for the Member at-large position are:
-Sit on the Executive Council as voting members
-Serve on the Committee on Audits
-Are charged with preserving and maintaining the properties, real and personal, of CAL-EANGUS
Member at-large positions shall be 1 annual membership representative and 1 life membership representative.
The roles and duties for the president position are:
-The presiding officer at each General and Special Conference
-A member of the Executive Council and Chairman thereof
-A member ex-officio of all committees
-The President shall: a. Direct the affairs of CAL EANGUS in accordance with the policies adopted in a General or Special Conference b. Convene the Executive Council as required c. Appoint all standing committees and designates the chairman and vice-chairman of each d. Appoint the chairman of Credentials and Rules (Parliamentarian), who will select the chairman of each conference committee e. Issue and call for a General Conference and when directed to do so by the Executive Council issue the call for a Special Conference and make the necessary arrangements for such conference f. Prepare and present an annual proposed budget to the committee on Finance and Budget consisting of an itemized statement of estimated revenues and anticipated and proposed expenditures for the next fiscal year g. Render an annual report to the membership h. Perform such duties as are usually performed by the President of an organization and as may be prescribed by the Constitution and Bylaws or by the Executive Council of CAL EANGUS
-The President may: a. With the approval of the Executive Council incur and authorize incidental expenses as may be necessary for the direction and operation of the affairs of CAL EANGUS b. Appoint a Chaplain c. Assign duties to be performed by the Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer of CAL EANGUS that are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws or with the usual duties performed by such officers or organizations d. Appoint such Special Committees as deemed necessary and delegate the chairman and vice-chairman thereof e. Appoint the Executive Director.
Duties of the treasurer include:
-Be the custodian of all funds of CAL-EANGUS
-Perform the duties usually performed by the treasurer of an organization and such duties as may be prescribed in the Constitution and Bylaws or assigned by the President
-Cause to be kept an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements of all monies, securities and other properties of CAL EANGUS
-Report to the Committee on Finance and Budget, and to the Executive Council on the financial standing of CAL EANGUS, whenever required to do so; and if requested by the President, render an annual report to the membership
-Be bonded
If you are interested in nominating a fellow Enlisted Member or nominating yourself, please email caleangus31@gmail.com and plan on attending (virtually) the Membership meeting on November 18 @ 1700 PST.