During the December 2020 and January 2021 Membership meetings, the following nominations were received for vacant board positions:

Position: Incumbent: Term: Nomination:
President Josh J. Baker 3 years Josh J. Baker
Member-at-Large (Life) Cody Smith 2 years

John Crumrine

Donovan Jenks*

Member-at-Large (annual) Darlene Perez 2 years

Darlene Perez

Melanie Nolen

Adrian Davis*

Treasurer Vacant 3 years Adrian Davis

*Nomination withdrawn

During the January 2021 meeting, nominations were closed.  In accordance with the CAL-EANGUS by-laws, elections will occur for the Member-at-Large (annual) position.

With over 14 years of experience with the California Military Department, I have been involved in many Army Guard and Air Guard component operations. For the last six years, I have been a part of CAL-EANGUS and have been able to represent this great organization through connections with the California National Guard. As a Member at Large, I can continue sharing my expertise and ensure all CAL-EANGUS members, current and future, understand the benefits we have to offer, as well as representation for all members.

Darlene Perez

Member at-Large (Annual)

I am a Public Affairs Specialist with California’s Air National Guard 195th Wing. Raised on a Wisconsin farm, I received a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, then moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in communications and marketing.
As a CA Guardsmen, I fulfilled an integral role as a media liaison with local/national news networks, and joint military leadership at the highest echelon. This provided me with unique experiences in support of both Army and Air missions in multiple Joint environments.
If selected for the Member-at-Large Annual position, my goals are to increase awareness of opportunities available to Cal Guard service members, to inspire them to be proactive and thrive in their Guard careers and to encourage members to find ways to be more involved within their units and communities.

Melanie Nolen

Member at-Large (Annual) - Nominated

*Note, paper ballots will be included in the upcoming newsletter mailed to your membership address if you prefer to mail in your ballot. Cast only 1 ballot.