CAMP SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. – In the non-commissioned officer club, a collection of Air and Army National Guardsmen, civilians, veterans and military retirees gathered to consider one topic: how to better serve California National Guardsmen through legislative support and benefits.
“The State Conference provides an opportunity for members to talk and engage with our Enlisted Senior Leaders and to provide them immediate feedback of how policies created at State Headquarters are impacting Soldiers/Airmen at the ground level,” said Josh Baker, the President of California Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States, also known as CAL EANGUS.
The primary purpose of CAL EANGUS and other similar professional organizations outside of the California Military Department is to advocate for the rights and entitlements of the Enlisted California National Guardsmen, present and retired, Baker said.
“CAL EANGUS represents the support, the concern and the energy to ensure service members have the very best of what they need as we organize and equip,” said U.S. Air Force Command Chief Master Sgt. Thomas James, the Senior Enlisted Advisor of California National Guard. “Communication is key for our way ahead and this team is driving the legislative effort to ensure that.”
The people who gathered for this conference traveled from all over the state, statuses ranging from new additions to the guard, to retired members still supporting service members through volunteering for this association.
Many junior enlisted are unaware of these kinds of associations and what they do, said Senior Airman Melanie Nolen, a member of the CAL EANGUS board. When Nolen returned from basic military and technical training, she wanted to grow her military family and professional development.
Upon joining this organization and attending national and state conferences, her knowledge and network of military professionals expanded to all 54 states and territories.
“We have a chance to speak to our legislators and make changes,” Nolen said. This organization is a way to make the Guard better. “Yes, we have benefits, but another benefit is here I am standing in front of my senior enlisted leaders presenting my opinion and they are listening.”
Nolen reflected on the past presidential election and the increase in voter participation.
“They understood the power and the need to have a voice,” said Nolen. “That is the opportunity EANGUS has for the guard, to have that voice heard.”
Currently, EANGUS is working on many bills and legislative priorities, including: HR 1854, a bill that would provide tax incentives to employers who employ National Guardsmen, funding TriCare for all reservists, equal hazardous duty incentive pay, and many others, Baker listed. Presently, Guardsmen do not receive equal pay to active-duty components when it comes to performing hazardous duties and flight pay.
“We have some big changes that are coming with our program that hopefully we can all talk about and hash out some good ideas,” said Baker.
One of these changes is the association managing the State Sponsored Life Insurance provided to all CNG members. SSLI supplements the Servicemember’s Group Life Insurance that is a part of a Soldier and Airman’s enlistment benefits.
Reservists and Guardsmen historically didn’t qualify for the SGLI as they were considered a part-time force only. The SSLI was created specifically for reservists to provide life insurance for guardsmen, as well as their dependents. Now, through work of EANGUS and similar organizations with state and national legislators, reservists have the option to receive both forms of life insurance.
Many benefits such as access to military commissaries, educational incentives, health and dental benefits and several others for Guardsmen are the results of more than 50 years of EANGUS dedication.
During the conference, a bill that had just been passed and made law was presented to Baker in recognition of a job well done.
“The Governor signed this bill Sept. 13, 2021, and I wanted to deliver it to the group that created it and pushed it across the finish line,” said California State Guard Col. Darrin Bender, director of external affairs for the California Military Department. “If it wasn’t for your dedication, we wouldn’t have the rights and benefits that so many Guardsmen benefit from today.”
The bill allows the California Military Department Foundation to expedite emergency relief grants and provide financial assistance to guardsmen in distress without conforming to purchasing and contracting laws that restricted such provisions.
“We are one of very few entities within the state government that has the authority to do that, and that’s all because CAL EANGUS engaged the chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs committee and shepherded it all the way to the Governor’s office,” Bender said. “This kind of thing will help your members of the California National Guard in their time of need and it will benefit them in other ways.”