by Staff Sgt. Eddie Siguenza
California National Guard Public Affairs
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Weapons fired and small arms volleyed as the California National Guard ceremoniously honored the life and service of its former commander, U.S. Army Maj. Gen. William H. Wade II, Oct. 22, during a memorial at Mather Airport in Sacramento.
Wade, who served as Cal Guard’s 44th commander, died Aug. 27, at age 73.
He enlisted in the California Army National Guard in 1970 and commissioned three years later.
“Maj. Gen. Wade’s biography throughout his 41 years of service made him a busy leader, but he always had a sincere focus and attention to the broad goals of the mission at hand and he was always, always, caring in the responsibility and what it meant to the Soldiers and Airmen he was responsible for,” said retired Brig. Gen. Louis Antonetti.
Wade held multiple commands during his career including commanding Cal Guard’s Counterdrug Task Force, with concurrent duty as Commander, Joint Task Force AEROSAFE. He served as assistant division commander of the 40th Infantry Division with concurrent service as commander of Task Force Victory at Camp Roberts.
Overseas, Wade served as commanding general of Multi-National Brigade (East) Kosovo Forces 6B in Kosovo and as deputy chief of staff for operations for Joint Forces Command in Naples, Italy.
In 2005, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed Wade as adjutant general.
He served in the state’s top military position until 2010. During his tenure, the California National Guard deployed numerous forces to Iraq and Afghanistan and supported other critical missions at home and abroad.
Retiring after more than four decades of military service, Wade was respected among his subordinates, peers and leaders, and he earned the distinction as a Soldier’s general for his dedication to both Army and Air National Guard service members.
“He often dedicated his time and his wisdom to those in need,” said retired Sgt. Maj. Larry Ellsworth. “All you had to do was say, ‘Sir, I need to talk to you,’ and he’d drop everything and listen to you.”
Hundreds of mourners, including family and friends, attended the ceremony that honored a leader who helped set the stage for today’s forces.
“He taught me two very important lessons, honesty and integrity, which I carry with me and bestow upon my Soldiers,” said Sgt. 1st Class William B. Wade, the late general’s son.
“Do what is right, even when no one is looking,” Wade said of his father’s teachings, and “always tell the truth, even when it is hard.”
“People come into your life for a reason, some for a season, but every once in a while, someone comes in for a lifetime,” said Antonetti. “That was Bill Wade.”
The state memorial provided a moment for family, local officials, and Cal Guard service members an opportunity to recognize their former leader, who was also a husband, father, and friend to many.
Folded state flags were presented to Wade’s wife and two sons. They, along with his four grandchildren, also received shells from the ceremony’s artillery salute and rifle volley.
Final military honors will be bestowed upon Wade at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia at a later date.
Staff Sgt. Crystal Housman contributed to this report.