On an unseasonable warm day in Oakland, State President Josh J. Baker met with the Oakland Military Institute (OMI) Track & Field program, named the Running Grizzlies and the program manager, Marc Mares.  Pres. Baker was invited to attend the Grizzlies’ practice to see how they train for the upcoming track & field competitions.

Mares shared with Pres. Baker that not all of the students can financially afford the proper equipment or the cost of staying overnight at competition locations that are out of the local commuting distance.  Since OMI is a preparatory school, they typically compete with other preparatory schools who have a more robust budget than OMI’s Track & Field program.

The mission of the Oakland Military Institute College Preparatory Academy (OMI) is to prepare each of its cadets to qualify for, and succeed in, leading colleges and universities. OMI, through a traditional military school framework, instills honor, integrity and leadership.

The CAL-EANGUS Board voted and approved to donate $1,400 to the OMI Running Grizzlies.  Pres. Baker presented the check as well as a banner showing CAL-EANGUS’ support of the program.

Mares stated the funds will be used in an upcoming track and field competition.  “During track meets, we will visit nearby state colleges so they can get exposed of the difference campuses they can apply to.” Mares said. “The funds will also be used to purchased proper running shoes and equipment.”