The rising cost of gas has not gone unnoticed by anyone. The sky-high cost of fuel has impacted all; especially our California National Guardsmen. At the time of this article, the State average price for a gallon of gas was at $5.48. Depending on the location within the state, the price fluctuates from $6.61 to $5.56/gallon. Jennifer Lucero, State Family Program Director, has seen the number of requests from Soldiers and Airmen skyrocket for request for financial assistance. Many Guardsmen are telling the Family Assistance Specialists in the field that they cannot even afford to go to drill.
Jennifer Lucero contacted CAL-EANGUS and requested financial support in the form of gift cards for fuel. Those gift cards can then be sent out to the Armories, Wings and other locations where the Family Assistance Specialists and Airmen and Family Readiness Coordinators are to provide immediate relief to those seeking assistance from the high gas prices. During the April CAL-EANGUS Board meeting, the board approved to purchase $5,000 in gift cards for fuel to be sent to Family Programs.
On May 10, 2022, State President Josh Baker presented Jennifer Lucero with a check representing the $5,000 in gift cards that were purchased for Family Programs to help support the Soldiers and Airmen of California. The gift cards will be distributed to the 22 Family Readiness Centers throughout the state and vetted for need by the CMD Family Assistance Specialists.