EANGUS has long supported legislating a separate Space National Guard independent of the Air National Guard. EANGUS believes that this is a critical action for the future of the National Guard as a warfighter for overseas operations as well as supporting homeland missions. S.4179 – A bill to establish the Space National Guard, would do just that.
The National Guard has been a part of the space missions since 1996. Nearly 3,000 Reservists, National Guardsmen, and civilians perform space operations across more than 16 space support units, in multiple states and countries. These Servicemembers are highly experienced, and many works as leaders in the space industry. The Reserve Component has always been a complement to active duty, and they provide a unique ability to recruit industry specialists who are not interested in serving full-time. Reserve Component Servicemembers would ensure that Space Force stays at the leading edge of technology. We know how valuable the reserves components are in every other branch, therefore we believe that Space Force must create Reserve and National Guard components. To help support, simply click the link and complete the Voter Voice form and send a pre-drafted note to your elected officials encouraging them to pass S.4179. Every click gets our elected officials attention. Please send your letter of support now and encourage others; please share this link.