The Hawaii National Guard Enlisted Association (HNGEA) is excited to announce the Annual Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) Area VI & VII Midwinter Conference, that will convene at the Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii, Friday January 13, 2023, through Sunday, January 15, 2023. 

Please refer to the midwinter conference website at which contains detailed information on lodging, registration, and conference agenda. Note: while registration is done on the website, payment for registration will be made at the conference by cash or check (if we are able to set up a credit card swipe, we will let you know asap).  The registration website also includes a welcome letter from Major General Kenneth Hara, Adjutant General, State of Hawaii, and information on “Things to Do Oahu”.  

We urge you to register/reserve your hotel room as soon as possible.  Although the number of blocked group rooms are limited, the group rates are being made available for pre- and post conference dates.  Feel free to contact your HNGEA planning team (see attached flyer) … we are here to answer any questions and provide additional info.  As we get closer to the midwinter conference, we will continue to provide information including agenda, speaker, exhibitor information, and other updates.   Also, while thankfully there are there are no COVID-19 related domestic travel requirements or restrictions for traveling to Hawaii, we will keep you updated and encourage you to stay updated by going to

Please join us for the Annual EANGUS Area VI & VI Midwinter Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii. Our HNGEA team continues to work hard to provide a productive platform and information on activities while our attendees are in Hawaii to improve your overall conference experience — I’m sure this is one midwinter you won’t want to miss. We look forward to seeing our “malahini” from the great States of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming, January 2023 at the “Aloha Hana Hou” Hawaii Midwinter Conference!  

Do not forget to checkout “The Top 10 Oahu Attractions”