We finished off 2022 in an incredible position; we increased our membership, we were successful at passing a State Bill and we found ourselves in the position to provide monetary support back to our California National Guardsmen and other Veteran Service Groups within California.  I am incredibly proud of the position the California Enlisted Association is currently in and we still gaining momentum. We could not be in this position if not for the CAL EANGUS board; both past and present. I am thankful for our board members who volunteer their time to help shape the direction of the Association.

During the last legislative year, CAL EANGUS was successful at authoring a bill to Sen Archuleta’s office which sought to enable State Employees to use their earned Military Leave to attend Inactive Duty Training (drill).  The bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsome and, effective in the new year, State Employees will now be able to use their Military Leave to attend drill!  Read the full article in our newsroom.

In 2022, CAL EANGUS fully took ownership of the State Sponsored Life Insurance (SSLI) program as directed by The Adjutant General. This provided CAL EANGUS an unprecedented opportunity to provide financial support back to the Soldiers and Airmen of the California National Guard and the military community within California. In 2022, CAL EANGUS was able to provide over $70,000 in financial support to various groups. The recipients included individual units requesting support for their unit holiday parties, the ChalleNGe Youth Program clubs and special events, Work for Warriors anniversary event, fuel and grocery cards sent to Family Programs, unit family day events, the Sergeants Major Association and the National Guard Relief Foundation.

Last year, our membership increased by 202 members. This is in huge part due to our members getting the word out and educating fellow guardsmen about the Association. We successfully gained a new delegate with our increased membership numbers and that will increase California’s voice during the next EANGUS National Convention in August. I cannot thank the members enough for referring a fellow Guardsmen to CAL EANGUS and having them join us as members.

I am incredibly humble and proud to serve as the President of CAL EANGUS. I look forward to an exciting 2023, meeting with the members and crafting new ways to support our California Guardsmen and their families.  I hope to see you at the upcoming Service member of the Year event in Anaheim!

I wish you and your loved ones a very happy and prosperous New Year!

Look for your printed CAL-EANGUS newsletter coming soon to your mailboxes.