The 146 Security Forces Squadron was awarded the Triad Award from CAL-EANGUS. The Triad award is presented to a unit who’s Commander, Senior Enlisted Leader and First Sergeant are all Life Members of CAL EANGUS – signifying the unit’s support of its Enlisted members and the Association. The military leadership triad is a dynamic team composed of the commander, senior enlisted leader, and first sergeant, who fill the roles of decision maker, subject- matter expert, and human resources advisor, respectively. The award was presented by CAL EANGUS President Josh J. Baker during the April drill weekend to Maj. Michael LaPlaca (Commander), SMSgt Jose Juarez (Senior Enlisted Leader) and MSgt Tess Ariza (First Sergeant). Congratulations to the Defenders of the 146 Airlift Wing.  The 146 SFS leads the entire Wing in EANGUS memberships with 23 members.