Last week, State President Josh J. Baker was asked by the author of AB 46, Assemblymember James Ramos, to testify on his bill before the Senate Military and Veterans Affairs Committee. Pres. Baker impressed upon the committee members on how this bill would impact currently serving military members and it would encourage them in staying in California when they retire instead of retiring in any other state in the nation that offers a tax break ton military pensions. The bill passed out of committee with a 4-0 vote. To view the entire recording of the committee meeting, CLICK HERE.
AB 46 will head to the Senate Appropriations Committee. WE (the Military/Veteran Community) need your help! CAL-EANGUS will send a formal letter of support to the Senate Appropriations Committee, but we need all the help we can get by individual members/retirees/citizens sending their own letters of support to the committee. Below is a link to email the entire Senate Appropriations Committee with a pre-drafted email. Please click the link and send an email showing your support. Please feel free to edit your own response to ensure your voice is heard!
We are on the goal line and need e-mails soliciting support of AB 46 from all our members to be sent to the addresses below. If AB 46 is passed out of the Appropriations Committee the next stop will be the governor’s desk! Once signed, California will finally no longer be the only state that fully taxes military pensions!
Please share with others who can lend their support of this important bill that will support veterans!
To read more about AB 46, click here.
If you prefer to mail a letter, below is the mailing address:
Senate Appropriations Committee
California State Capitol, Room 412
Sacramento CA 95814
or email