Senator Anna Caballero, Senate District 14, has been named the new Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee. We have been asked by Ramos’ Staff to send as many letters as possible to Senator Caballero asking her to support and advance AB 46 out of committee for a full vote of the senate.
Senator Caballero has district offices in Merced (209) 726-5495, Fresno (559-264-3070) and Sacramento (916) 651-4014. Please reach out to anyone, friends, relatives, ect., who live in the 14th Senate District and ask them to call her office, NOW, asking for her support of AB 46.
I have made this easy for you, simple click on the button below and it will take you to the campaign page. Then click the link and it will generate the email letter and the email addresses to send to our elected officials!
Please share with others who can lend their support of this important bill that will support veterans!
To read more about AB 46, click here.
If you prefer to mail a letter, below is the mailing address: Senate Appropriations Committee California State Capitol, Room 412 Sacramento CA 95814