EANGUS Members,

I am writing to inform you that Jeff Frisby will no longer be with EANGUS as of Nov. 4, 2024. Jeff has been a valuable part of our team since July 2023, and we are grateful for his contributions. However, it is in the best interest of EANGUS to move forward without him.

Please be assured that we have implemented a plan to keep EANGUS moving forward during this transition period.

We are pleased to announce that Bryan Birch has been appointed Acting Executive Director. He has the full support of the Executive Council and is well-prepared to execute the duties associated with the Executive Director role, ensuring a smooth transition for EANGUS.

Following our Transition SOP, we have appointed Vice President Josh Baker and Treasurer Ashley Brodnax as co-chairs of the search committee. Their role is to oversee the hiring process for a new Executive Director.

We thank our members and partners for their ongoing support and understanding during this transition period.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at president@eangus.org.



Robert Sweeney,

CSM, USA (Ret)
