State Association

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Board Nominations

The following CAL-EANGUS members have been nominated for the following positions: Treasurer: Angela Hallenbeck, Master Sergeant, CA ANG Member at Large (Annual): Howard Bentley, Master Sergeant, CA ANG Member at Large (Life): Keith Ford, Master Sergeant, CA ANG Board...

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Open Nominations for Board Positions

The CAL-EANGUS Board is accepting nominations for the following positions: -Treasurer ย  Duties:ย  The Treasurer is a member of the Executive Council and shall:1. Be the custodian of all funds of CALEANGUS2. Perform the duties usually performed by the treasurer of an...

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Fall Conference

Channel Islands ANGS Auditorium 0900-1600 Invited Guest Speakers: - CMSgt James, Command Senior Enlisted Leader, CA NG - CSM Witt, State Senior Enlisted Leader - VA Entitlements Seminar by Andrew Vierra Meet with Yellow Ribbon Certified Colleges and Universities. We...

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