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Scroll down to see what legislative wins EANGUS has championed over the years; effectively shaping the National Guard world we know today.  

Why Join?

What Has EANGUS Done For Me?

  • 2020 – Provided protections and benefits for NG members supporting COVID-19 Pandemic; Authorized compensation and credit for retirement purposes for maternity leave taken by NG/RC members; Expanded eligibility for counseling and outpatient mental health services regardless of deployment status; Expanded VA Home Loan eligibility for Title 32 Service.
  • 2019 – Testified and secured GI Bill and Early Retirement credit for NG members serving on the Southwest Border Mission; NDAA 2020 included provisions for federal technicians to enroll in TRICARE Reserve Select, with a delayed implementation until 2030; Secured Federal Tuition Assistance for ANG members.
  • 2018 – Prevented any out-of-pocket costs or enrollment fees for TRICARE for Life beneficiaries; Upgraded the Survivor Benefit Plan ending disparity in benefits for NG/RC members; Increased ANG control grades. 
  • 2017 – EANGUS testimony led to pre and post-mobilization coverage for RC servicemembers serving on 12304b orders; Fought got passage of Harry W. Colmery Act of 2017 that expanded GI Bill benefits.
  • 2016 – Succeeded in challenging the federal definition of the word “Veteran” to include National Guard and Reserve Retirees; Secured increased travel reimbursement for NG/RC training beyond commuting distance.
  • 2015 – Testified against the Army’s plans to transfer the AH-64 Apache from the Guard to Active Duty; Secured language to promote uniquw role of NG in cyber capabilities and Federal/state authorities.
  • 2014 – Blocked proposed reductions in Basic Allowance for Housing; Fixed the fiscal year language allowing more early retirement credits based on deployed service.
  • 2013 – Improved mental health care and access for NG/RC members, families and caregivers, and enhanced suicide prevention programs for National Guard members.
  • 2012 – Supported the passage of the Military Commercial Driver’s License Act of 2012; Secured tax credits for employers of unemployed and disabled Veterans; Lowered TRICARE Reserve Select fees for NG/RC members.
  • 2011 – Fought against budget cuts in the Air Guard that would have affected hundreds of aircraft and thousands of Airmen; Enacted Legislation to limit TRICARE Prime enrollment fees in future years
  • 2010 – Expanded Post-911 GI Bill credit and eligibility to include service performed under Title 32; Secured additional reemployment protections for activated NG/RC members.
  • 2009 – Authorized Stop Loss Speciality Pay for RC members held on active duty beyond ETS; Doubled pre-mobilization TRICARE healthcare coverage from 90 days to 180 days; Stopped further increases in TRICARE fees.
  • 2008 – Allow transfer of GI Bill to spouse/children with service commitment; Reduce reserve retirement age by 3 months for each 90 days deployed effective 28 January 2008.
  • 2007 – Authorized 10 years after separation to use MGIB Education benefits earned; Saved combat pay and benefits for Guard members in Kosovo.
  • 2006 – TRICARE Reserve Select changed to single fee for all reservists; Stopped TRICARE rate increases for fees, co-payments, deductibles, pharmacy co-pays.
  • 2005 – TRICARE Reserve Select initiated for all reservists; Modified MGIB for mobilized reservists; MGIB use expanded to include licenses and certifications; BAH Type II threshold moved from 139 days to less than 30 days.
  • 2004 – New TRICARE program for reservists; Transitional health benefits prior to and after deployment made permanent; Clarified SCRA protections for rents and vehicle leases in include dependents. 
  • 2003 – Extension of SBP benefits for IDT deaths; Defeated DoD proposal to eliminate IDT pay; Made VA home loans permanent; Granted unlimited commissary access to NG/RC Members.
  • 2002 – SCRA protections extended to Title 32; Increased MGIB time frame from 10 years to 14 years.
  • 2001 – Immediate commissary access granted to NG/RC members, Military Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) authorized, Eligibility for VA home loans extended to 2009.
  • 2000 – IDT points allowed for retirement increased from 75 to 90; Benefits improved for NG members performing Military Funeral Honors; TRICARE for Life for eligible Medicare eligible retirees and families passes; TRICARE Senior Pharmacy program started.
  • 1998 – Commissary annual privileges increased from 12 to 24 days; 20% increase in MGIB benefits.
  • 1996 – Increased IDT from 60 to 75 days; Dental Plan for retirees; Disability retirement established.
  • 1994 – VA Burial bill signed expanded burial to NG/RC members.
  • 1992 – VA home loan 7 year pilot program authorized for reservists; Disability pay for members injured to and from IDT.
  • 1988 – Secured ID cards for NG dependents; BAH for single NG members was won.
  • 1986 – MGIB made permanent in law; Commissary benefit for reservists allowing 14 days of access per year.
  • 1975 – Increased access to Space A travel; Fought got full-time manning for AGR pilot program.

Professional Development

Hear from attendees of the EANGUS Professional Development Program which was conducted during the 2021 EANGUS National Conference in Albuquerque, NM. The interviews with EANGUS President CSM (Ret) Karen Craig and EANGUS PD Coordinator CMSgt (Ret) Edwin Brown were conducted by Senior Airman Melanie Nolen, California Air National Guard.


The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) has partnered with the Army Association of the United States (AUSA).  When a member joins a State EANGUS Association, they also gain membership automatically (unless they opt out) into AUSA, regardless of component affiliation. As a dual member, members can participate in benefit programs and scholarship programs that AUSA offers its members! More information can be found at: