State President and Past President elected to National EANGUS Positions
During the 53rd Annual Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) Conference, 2 California Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (CAL EANGUS) members were elected to serve in the National Office of EANGUS. CMSgt...
National Guard Association of California (NGAC) seeks to fill the position of Executive Director.
**Request Widest Dissemination** The National Guard Association of California (NGAC) seeks to fill the position of Executive Director. (See enclosed Description of Duties) Application Process: 1. Interested candidates email resume and cover letter detailing...
163d Attack Wing Units Presented With CAL EANGUS Award
Two units at the 163d Attack Wing at March ARB were awarded the Triad Award from CAL-EANGUS. The Triad award is presented to a unit who’s Commander, Senior Enlisted Leader and First Sergeant are all Life Members of CAL EANGUS – signifying the unit’s support of its...
23 Deserving Students Awarded $1,000 Scholarships by the California Enlisted Association
The California Enlisted Association remains committed to supporting the enlisted community and their families. Through initiatives like the scholarship program, they continue to make a positive difference in the lives of many, reinforcing the values of education,...
Professional Development opportunities abound at the EANGUS Conference
We receive a lot of questions as to whether it is proper to talk about professional associations during drill or in meetings. We asked NGB for a little help, and this is what they provided:“As a general rule, membership in these organizations in a personal capacity is...
Support AB 46 (Ramos) – Governor Campaign
One of our priority bills, AB 46 (Ramos) is currently stuck in the Senate Appropriations committee, and we are launching a campaign targeted at the Governor's office to ask him to work with Asm. Ramos to move the bill out of the committee. AB 46 aims to exclude...