During the June Membership Meeting held on 25 June via Zoom, EANGUS Executive Director Frank Yoakum briefed on the Legislative actions for 2020 and 2021.  

The 2020 NDAA included:

-3.1% pay raise
-TRICARE Reserve Select for mil techs (starting in 2030)*
-12304b early retirement credit retro to 2012
-GI Bill transferability with no max years of service Military student identifier for RC children
-Repeal SBP/DIC offset by 2023
-Paid family leave for federal employees
-Establish US Space Force with JCS seat
-Single standard record of service (DD 214) to include Guard and Reserve service
-No involuntary ANG mil tech conversions to AGR
-No subjective upgrade on USR
-Report on incentives (bonus, SLRP) for AGR/Mil Tech Report on paying BAH vs OHA in territories
-Plan on phase out of burn pit usage
*Armed Services Committees had to find an offset to $200 million in mandatory spending and did not, so they set the effective date 10 years out, in 2030
We will work with Congress to help find an offset that will bring effective date closer to current date.
The 2021 NDAA will include:
-Early retirement eligibility for reservists on duty during COVID
-3% pay raise
-PDHRA to include burn pit exposure question
-Waive TRICARE Pharmacy copays during COVID
-Delay Military Health System reforms for a year
-Delay retirement of KC-135 for three years
On the horizon, EANGUS will be working on:
-HR 5169 to sync TRICARE and early retirement annuity prior to age 60
-HR 5887/S 3308 to remove 1/30th rule for hazardous duty pay
-HR 5870 to add service for ADT, AT, and FTNGD as eligible for GI Bill
-HR 6967/S 3713 to give TAMP-like 6 months of TRICARE to those on T32 status for COVID
-HR 6439/S 3617 to award hazardous duty pay to those on T32 status for COVID
-HR 6573/S 3979 to waive TRICARE pharmacy copays during COVID
-HR 7111 providing rapid training in technology, health care and public service fields
For more information or to see the slides Frank Yoakum presented, please click State Legislative Update 2020