The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS)  We Care For America Grant received donations to allow for disbursement of COVID-19 related grants to National Guard members. Funds will be available to current and former members of the National Guard, enlisted or officer, who demonstrate the loss of their primary income or employment, or a financial emergency directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Applicants need not be members of EANGUS to apply.  Grants will be capped at $500, and are intended to assist with basic household necessities such as rent, utilities, food, etc.  The grant application process includes completion of a brief online application and submission of the WCFA-COVID Emergency Relief Fund Verification Form which must be completed and signed by the applicant’s Unit Commander, Senior Enlisted Leader, or Family Program Representative. Please refer to the We Care for America website at for more information and to submit an application for assistance. The window to submit applications will open at 6:00 pm Eastern Time on Wednesday, October 28, 2020.