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Give Happy With the Combined Federal Campaign

Give Happy With the Combined Federal Campaign

Every year, federal employees and retirees rally to support charities they choose through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). It's amazing to see how giving a little out of each paycheck can add up to so much happiness when we all give together....and, studies show...

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EANGUS Veterans Day Virtual 5K

EANGUS Veterans Day Virtual 5K

In honor of our military Veterans and their families, the EANGUS Fitness Committee is excited to hold our Second Annual Virtual 5K run/walk! Register today then join us from anywhere during the week of November 6-13, 2022 to record your race results. All participants...

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Support the National Guard Relief Fund Through the Wreaths Across America Campaign

Wreaths Across America & EANGUS

On December 19 at 08:00 am, 2020, EANGUS We Care for America (DC0032P) will be helping Arlington National Cemetery to Remember and Honor our veterans by laying Remembrance wreaths on the graves of our country's fallen heroes. EANGUS has partnered with Wreaths Across...

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Nunc nisl leo, porta a dictum sed, pulvinar vitae diam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum egestas, quam sit amet tincidunt tempor, lacus tortor pharetra elit, non dapibus lectus augue a enim. Curabitur bibendum enim et odio porttitor, quis consectetur arcu bibendum.