The Sergeants Major Association of California will have their 4th Annual Meeting on April 28-30 at Camp San Luis Obispo.  

Schedule of events:
Friday 28 April 2023: Parker Hall, Camp San Luis Obispo.
1600: Executive board meeting.
1630: Check in, late registration and pay at the door.
1730: Evening ice breaker social. Light hors d’oeuvre will be served & no host bar.
Saturday 29 April 2023: Parker Hall, Camp San Luis Obispo.
0730: Breakfast burritos served. Check in, late registration and pay at the door.
0800: General Membership Meeting. We will break for lunch at noon. Parker Hall.
1200: Lunch Cruise in Morro Bay. A special activity for spouses and guests! See attached flyer!
arrangements are to be made on your own through Chablis Cruises, Morro Bay.
1800: Bar-B-Que dinner, corn hole game raffle, silent auction, raffles, music, dancing, no host bar.
Sunday 30 April 2023:
0730: Swing for the Chaplain’s Fund Golf Tournament. A benefit to the SMA Chaplain’s Fund. Dairy
Creek Golf Course. See attached registration form.
1000: Cleanup of Parker Hall followed by light brunch for volunteers

Click on the button below for registration information and more information about the conference.