CAL EANGUS Advocates for Veterans: Josh J. Baker Testifies in Support of SB-1 and SB-23
This morning, Josh J. Baker, State President of CAL EANGUS and Legislative Officer for the California State Commanders Veterans Council, testified before California lawmakers in support of SB-1 and SB-23, two critical bills designed to ease financial burdens on...
EANGUS legislative priorities make progress in Congress
Last week’s State Presidents and Legislative Workshops provided EANGUS members from across the nation an opportunity to learn, network, and embody the mission of the association through advocacy in Washington, D.C. The workshops were followed by visits to Capitol...
The Latest Edition of Bear Facts is on Its Way!
Exciting news for CAL EANGUS members! The latest edition of our official newsletter, Bear Facts, is making its way to your mailboxes. Packed with updates, legislative initiatives, upcoming events, and member highlights, this issue is a must-read for all who support...
CAL EANGUS President Josh J. Baker Testifies in Support of Military Retirement Pay Tax Exemption
On February 18, 2025, CAL EANGUS President Josh J. Baker provided testimony before California Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 5 on State Administration regarding the Military Retirement Exclusion Trailer Bill Language (TBL). The proposed measure would exempt military...
CSCVC Legislative Update – Feb 2025
Legislative Update from your Lobbyist By Seth Reeb – Reeb Government Relations Dear CSCVC, I’m writing to share updates from Sacramento. We have been advocating for legislation to exclude various taxes for the veteran community—from car taxes to home and property...
Pres. Josh J. Baker Pens Letter to Rev & Tax Committee
California Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (CAL EANGUS) President Josh J. Baker has officially voiced support for Assembly Bill 53 (AB 53), authored by Assemblymember James Ramos, which seeks to exempt military retirement pay from state...