Support SB 1124 – Protect Veterans from Claim Sharks
Your help is needed in support of SB 1124, one of the priority California veterans bills this year. SB 1124, authored by Senator Caroline Menjivar and AG Rob Bonta, seeks to strengthen state law protections for veterans by prohibiting any person not accredited by the...
AUSA Membership
Did you know? As a member of EANGUS, you are automatically a member of AUSA, the Association of the U.S. Army. In essence, when you become an EANGUS member, you become a member of your State Association, the national EANGUS Association, and you are a member of AUSA...
MSO or VSO, what is EANGUS?
What is the difference between a Military Service Organization (MSO) and a Veterans Service Organization (VSO), and what is EANGUS? Although the terms seem to be synonymous, there are important differences between the two. A Veterans Service Organization (VSO) is an...
Air National Guard Federal Tuition Assistance
If you are in the Air Guard, not in AGR status, and want to attend college, you'd better hope your State has a robust tuition assistance program, because there is no money for federal tuition assistance like the Army Guard has. This issue has been on the to-do list...
Support AB 46: Exemption of Military Retirement Pay from State Income Taxes
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Senator Anna Caballero, Senate District 14, has been named the new Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee. We have been asked by Ramos' Staff to send as many letters as possible to Senator Caballero asking her to support and advance AB 46 out...
What is a Supplemental [Funding Request]?
Congress occasionally considers legislation that adds money for specific reasons outside of regular appropriations acts and usually after the fiscal year has begun. These pieces of special legislation are called supplementals. They supplement the original...